Risk Stratification
Risk Stratification Using Risk Scores to Predict Major Cardiac Events(MACE) Holding a specialized meeting focusing on the role and importance of risk stratifications in predicting cardiac and sports events…
Risk Stratification Using Risk Scores to Predict Major Cardiac Events(MACE) Holding a specialized meeting focusing on the role and importance of risk stratifications in predicting cardiac and sports events…
Role Of AI In Prevention and Diagnosis ICCU 2023 Event Workshop: The role of AI in Coronary Artery Disease (Prevention and Diagnostic) Scientific workshop of Mobtakeran Salamat Fakher (MSF) Company…
CAD and AI Based on Cardiovascular Assessment Device Workshop: The role of AI in Coronary Artery Disease (Prevention and Diagnostic) Scientific workshop of Mobtakeran Salamat Fakher (MSF) Company in the…
Smart Health CAD Kiosk Cardiovascular Assessment Device Holding a specialized meeting on the role and importance of smart cardiovascular screening kiosks based on specialized diagnostic software using artificial intelligence in…