
دکتر کجوری

Risk Stratification ​​

Risk Stratification ​ Using Risk Scores to Predict Major Cardiac Events(MACE) Holding a specialized meeting focusing on the role and importance of risk stratifications in predicting cardiac and sports events…

Role Of AI In Prevention and Diagnosis

Role Of AI In Prevention and Diagnosis ICCU 2023 Event Workshop: The role of AI in Coronary Artery Disease (Prevention and Diagnostic) Scientific workshop of Mobtakeran Salamat Fakher (MSF) Company…

CAD and AI Based on Cardiovascular Assessment Device

CAD and AI Based on Cardiovascular Assessment Device Workshop: The role of AI in Coronary Artery Disease (Prevention and Diagnostic) Scientific workshop of Mobtakeran Salamat Fakher (MSF) Company in the…

AI in Prevention of CAD(Cardiovascular Screening test)

Smart Health CAD Kiosk Cardiovascular Assessment Device Holding a specialized meeting on the role and importance of smart cardiovascular screening kiosks based on specialized diagnostic software using artificial intelligence in…